Text by Shades and HoneypotSheep
Photos by Mr.Monitorio
Model: Pix

Two different actions
which are apart even
more when it comes to
the titillating tournament of
Shady Lewd Kart. Today, we sit
down with one of the familiar
faces of the crew, the head
mechanic of the operation,
When we asked if she’d
be available for an interview
later, she laughed as she sifted
through her tools and replied
with a wink. “Why wait,
hun? We can do this interview
now, no couch required!~” Sitting down wherever we
could find a seat in her
workshop, we asked her
to tell us a little bit about herself.
“Well, let’s see, I’m a mechanic, first and foremost. Its a family thing, and I’m one of the newest on the tree. My pop’s the one who taught me how to do a lotta the junk I can do nowadays, bless his dang heart!”
She brushed a lock of hair from her face and gave us a smile before telling us a bit about the inner parts of the karts. She definitely knew what she was talking about, so coming from a mechanic family brought plenty of know-how for her.
But what about off the track, what’s she do in her spare time? When we brought the question up, she grinned and sat back in her chair as she answered in a playful tone. “If ya can’t find me here, you can find me at a party, maybe see a little extra skin if yer lucky~ Other than that, I shop around for new parts for my practice, as well as my pleasures!”
We decided to get a littttle more personal and ask the simple things. What kind of food did she prefer? “Well, I’m a fan of all kinds a’food,” she told us, “buuuuut if you wanna know a quick way to my heart and stomach, ya can’t go wrong with chicken-topped pizza. Extra meat optional, but we all can agree extra meat’s always enjoyed, heh.”
She leaned towards our interview writer and asked if he wrote that down, giving us a bountiful sight as her top drooped just a tad. While our writer was grinning harder than us, we came to the big topic: Shades.
Who was he to Sylvie, and just who was he in general? Sylvie shrugged at this, closing her eyes and pursing her lips before giving her reply.
“Well, easy to say that the guy’s a perv, that’s what.” With a wave of her hand, she motioned to the area all around us.
“Though if it ain’t for him, I wouldn’t have this big old workshop at all. I was just a small garage gal before that spec’d sex-magnet came to me with a plan and a
hunk-a-junk on wheels. The whole tournament is one helluva crazy lewd scheme, but screw me senseless if
it ain’t bringin a buncha horny people all together to
have a good time.”
We chewed the fat over other various tidbits, wondering what Sylvie likes to do in her free time; she likes singing, and loves card games to the point where she’s got an unreadable poker face. After adding a comment that she always wins no matter what in strip poker, we asked her whats something she absolutely loves. “Take a look around, sugar!” she laughed, raising her arms and gestured around the kart part-cluttered garage. “Hot rods, hot bods!
This chick’s all about enjoying all kinds of thrills!” We asked if there was anything she’d like to add as we began to wrap up, to which she gave us a wink and blew us a kiss. “You can live life however you choose, but you only get one chance. When an opportunity comes, take the wheel! S’what I did, and look at me now!” “So... you wanna take the wheel with this littttle opportunity, boys?~<3”