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Time to Shine! - Content creator interview with Sky (part I)

Aktualisiert: 13. Juli 2021

The web is full of talented people and today we‘re taking a closer look at Sky, a young NSFW content creator, voice actor, editor and writer.

Creator info:

  • Name : Sky | (He/Him)

  • Additional Info:

  • NSFW Content Creator,

  • Producer, & Writer

  • Pro Editor 9+ Years

  • CEO of HDSauce Productions

  • #ManofCulture

  • Level 25BBC


Hello Sky, glad you could make it! So let‘s dive straight into it, shall we?

How long have you been in this business?


Just under 2 months.

P: Just 2 months? Yet you have quite some interesting things to show! Alright, I want to know the reason behind being a NSFW creator!

Why did you start?

Fame and fortune or just for fun?

S: For me, it was an opportunity to have true ownership of my time, absolute creative expression and most of all in combined 2 passions, my desire to write stories worth reading/ listening too and a platform that can finally support my artist endeavors. Fame and fortune would be lovely too, I‘m just on my way to earning that day by day.

P: Any regrets so far?

S: To be honest Only 2:

1. I never truly understood just how much time and effort goes into creating worthwhile content and

2. Trust but Validate. Many NSFW content creators call themselves „Professional“. It‘s a title in name only, those few who actually have honor and see themselves in your project are worth working with, anyone else is just a free L, for loss should you let it slide & do nothing… or, lesson should you grow from the failure and refine your product, process, and or personal.

P: I think that‘s something we can relate all too well.

I myself see a lot of comments on the internet which say that it‘s easy money cause NSFW, but in reality it‘s the same with every other art industry. We‘re just one of millions doing what we love.

Speaking of professionals, who inspired you? Doesn't have to be a NSFW creator though!

S: Without question my goo to goo-gal Voice Actress Ivy, her advice help me jump start my lewd career and my best friend D. who put me on to Twitter after having lost my 20th+ account in instagram where I've been posting art for nearly a decade. It‘ll be officially 10 years since I've been making after as of Fall next year.

P: Oh I see, so you‘re content creator for almost ten years but recently startet with NSFW!

Glad you‘re having friends and people who support you, makes it a whole lot easier! :3

Which brings me to the topic of anxieties in general.

Something you want to talk about?

S: Personally yes, I unofficially have high performing anxiety. I‘m always prepared for everything and anything to happen at anytime due to my virtually endless list of infinite perpetual fears lol. I‘d rather as a whole, be over prepared and not need my gear then be under prepared and kick my own ass knowing full well this situation, whatever it may be is 100% manageable. This is why during set backs or stressful situations I remain perpetually calm and aloof, I‘ve either fine everything I can and everything else I can think of, or I‘m straight damned and I‘ve made my peace.

P: At least you‘re prepared for any scenario, that‘s definitely a win, but I also think it‘s stressful to overthink every possibility.

So, what about life goals then?

S: In terms of life goals, I have but one overall:

1-Create a life worth living.

Above all else that drives me, as a creator I write stories I‘d like to hear, I create art that inspires me, I do, say and take action in ways that hold meaning and bring value into my life.

P: That's a great way of life. Always strive to be the best version of yourself, something we should all do!

How about your hobbies? Anything aside being a content creator?

S: Yes! I‘m big into fashion and clothing design, I can tell you exactly what article or clothing anything I‘ve created has on, where the idea came from, and why that particular piece. Working out, I‘ve been hitting the gym consistently since November 3rd 2020 and over the last 6 months I‘ve lost over 70 pounds of fat and put on nearly 45 pounds of lean muscle. I‘m at the gym Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 3 hours at a time, my big cousin said working out is my unofficial job. I deserve a raise lol. I‘m a huge anime fan I‘ve seen over 150 different anime and from 99-> 156 I can tell you exactly when I watched it and how I felt about it. Seriously you should see my spreadsheet, it‘s wildly useful!

P: I wish I had this sense of fashion, this is really impressive! Especially the workout part. Many people lost motivation since this virus runs wild and I admire people who have the discipline to stay healthy!

About that spreadsheet, you need to show it to me, sounds really interesting!

Are you an animal person? Have any favorites or pets you want to share your stories about?

S: I‘ve had pets: a cute snow white bird with a mellow yellow Mohawk, a Japanese Akita (Huge Doggo!), and a bunch of fish. Currently I have no pets and I do plan on having 4 dogs in the future a: Golden Doodle (Golden Reteiver X Poodle), Rottweiler, German Shepherd and Akita in terms of Personal favorite animals: White Tigers, their eyes always get me & Monkeys, their just so entertaining!

P: Aaaaw so many cute pets! Lately I developed an interest in Betta fish, but ulitmately I want a Shiba Inu.

Anyways, white tigers are fascinating and I‘d say they‘d kinda fit your avatar, right?

You certainly have a unique and refined taste, that‘s why I want to talk about snacks. What tingles your taste buds?

S: I‘m a spice FRIEND!! I season all food I cook until I feel my ancestors tell me „Enough my son!“ I‘m natural experimental as hell in the kitchen, I‘ll make my own honey bbq sauce, honey mustard, sweet and spicy sauce, etc. I‘ll make food I‘ve only imagine in my head using whatever I‘ve got available to me. This is legit why I Love Soma from Food Wars, we literally think the same, especially in the kitchen.

In terms of flavor, I‘m open to all! I can‘t deny I‘ve got a massive sweet tooth and only though controlling my „fat boi impulses“™️ can I splurge here and there and try out lots of sweets! Cookies, custard, cake, pie, Ice-cream, etc! If it‘s sweet I‘ll try it!

P: Ohoooo so you like it hot, huh? Since you said you like sweets too this kind of reminds me that I once drank hot chocolate with a bit of chili. A weird experience for sure but also a good one!

Is your taste in clothing similar?

S: Style should never take away from your own personal comfort. To have style, is to be naturally comfortable in your own skin first then you adorn yourself with clothing that reflects you, your personality, the things that define you and most importantly how you want the world at large to see you as. In terms of my way of clothing, it‘s a blend between Business casual meets Athletic leisure. I love wearing dress shirts, collared, shirts and especially jackets! You‘ve gotta see my closet. All my clothing is smart tech based, quick dry moisture wicking, insanely breathable, 4-way stench, etc. I‘ve always been temperature sensitive, my hands freeze when it‘s below 50 degrees outside, and it takes nothing for me to get hot quick. Especially thanks to all the gains I‘ve earned thigh my training in and outside the gym, I sleep shirtless, wake up throw on a jersey or a light weight solid color shirt. If you like to see some fits, I‘d be more than happy to show you!

P: Oh my, now I feel kinda bad with my old rags rotting in the closet, haha! Though I have to say, it‘s pretty rare people think so much about their clothing, especially when it comes to functionality. You really need to give me a tour!

Enough with things that are over your skin, tell me about what‘s going under your skin, like things that make you happy!

S: Being able to create whatever I want, whenever I want. That‘s my life‘s purpose, I exist to create and nothing brings me more joy and making something, from forming a joke, to putting a plan together, doing shadow work to learn from my failures and success, etc. Creation itself excites me to my core!

P: I can totally relate to that! Although it can be hard at times, seeing an idea evolving from a thought to something taking form and show it to the world is really fulfilling!

And what makes you grind you gears?

S: Rude people, time wasters, and having to repeat myself. There‘s no justice in being rude, because the second the script is flipped and your in that position, all you crave is just the slightest compassion for whatever ales you. Time is single most precious resource you will ever own next to your life. With time you can create a fortune, save a life, create a life, or build your own. When someone wastes my time, you‘ve denied my ability to create, you‘ve taking my one finite resource and simply abandoned it. That ain‘t right. Your gonna waste something I can‘t get back just for lols!? Like for reals wtf!? I hate repeating myself because that‘s tells me you weren‘t actively listening, something else is on your mind that‘s of greater importance to whatever it is were discussing and ultimately, I find it annoying.

P: I get you! I guess we all had to deal with this kind of individuals at some point. Never got behind the appeal to waste someone‘s time though.

Now we‘ve talked about things you love and hate, but back to a more pleasant topic. Collaborations!

Who would be THE ONE you‘ve always wanted to work with?

S: Dream collab professionally, teaming up with Point Grey Productions and working with Seth Rogen is a huge goal for me. He‘s litterally who I wanna be when I grow up lol. In terms of art, any of the heavy hitters like Shadman, CuteSexyRobot, or Fellatrix. For script writing and VA work, Pixie Willow cause you can‘t denounce the Queen of the NSFW scene! Lastly got Music, 1000% Britney Spears and Lady Gaga, I a die hard Brittney fan and Lady Gaga gives me strength! No cap.

P: That‘s quite a impressive list to be honest! I guess I could imagine working with some of them too, but I‘d need a worthy idea for that first, haha! Let‘s see what the future holds!

And in case any of them reading this, where can they find you?

S: Go to place to find Sky, Twitter @blazingskyiv. My availability calendar, my pateron, and my instagram and more are all available through my business card that‘s linked to all my socials.

Next time we're focusing on private matters and career. Go check it out!

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